BS in Acctg and Econ, Iowa State Univ. 1976 began as auditor with McGladrey, Hansen, Dunn & Co, (RSM US LLP), in Cedar Rapids, IA.
FMC Corp (1979) in Cost Acctg and Fin Analysis in Cable Crane & Exc. Div; Dom & Int'l Internal Audit in Corp Office (Chicago); Acctg Mgr in Agri Mach Div; finishing as Controller at the Paradise Peak Mine for the FMC Gold Co. Boise from 1992, CFO for Hoff Companies (timber, bldg mat, and residential land development). Meridian from 1999 CFO for Micro 100 Tool Corp (solid carbide cutting tools). Guided Due Diligence efforts with eight companies from 2012-2018 to sell Micro 100, with successful close on Jan 1, 2019. Retired Sept 2019 to transition into community and public roles with Meridian Chbr of Comm, City of Meridian, and CPA profession. Appointed to the ID State Board of Accountancy by Gov Little for a 5-yr term, 2019–24.